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카톡상담 QnA게시판 상담예약 등록신청 수속현황 3D시설보기

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    EMO캠프 학생의 연수후기   |  가족연수 후기 2019-06-25 17:57:19
    작성자  필통유학 조회  337   |   추천  40


    How did E-MO Camp change my life?

    When I came here, I am not good at English. I really didn’t like English. I thought that English is hard. My feeling is very afraid because, I am not good at English. I didn’t know how to do speak English. My first week is very hard. Everything is different. Speaking English is hard also. But I tried because I want to get good English skills. My second week is better than the first week because, I didn’t get afraid feeling. I always thought that “Don’t be afraid”. After that, my feeling is comfortable. My first thinking is that “Don’t be afraid”. My second thinking is that study hard. I want to get good English grade. So, I studied hard. I had nine class. This was very tired and sleepy. My third thinking is enjoying your Philippines life. This is very good chance for me. I had many activities. E-MO Camp made many activities. Every activity is very good and funny, so I can enjoy my Philippines life. Now I am better than I was before. I think that I am improving. My English isn’t hard now. My level is improving, also. I like that. I want improving, so, I am very happy, now. E-MO Camp gives many good experiences to me. My E-MO life is good. But studying is little tired and hard. E-MO Camp gives good English Skills and E-MO Camp gives how to speak English. I will not be afraid about English. English is not difficult. I can do it, now I can speak English. I am learning about English. I will remember E-MO Camp‘s Philippines life. This is very nice. This gives many good things, many good experiences and many good English Skills.
